Monday, September 27, 2010

I gotta tell ya

The ear is an amusing part of the human body. I had this ache below my jawbone where it "connects" with the lower half of where my ear is (where spit glands are (or atleast the pain felt like it was coming from that area)) and for days I couldn't eat anything because every time I opened my mouth it hurt like hell!

Now I didn't go to the doctor but I did try to search the net for answers. All I could find was speculations how it could be cancer and other ridiculous things. Then after a few days my friend asked me if I had (and please forgive my lousy english on the matter) "balanced the pressure 'inside' my ear/head". I didn't think much at the time but I was running out of options... and pain meds. So what I did was I held on to my nose and mouth and blew as hard as I could. You know, with the airways blocked. AND IT WORKED?! I remember feeling a little bump in my ear (like a cork popping off a cola bottle) and suddenly the pain was no longer resonating from my jaw. Must've been magic or sumthin!


  1. I know what you mean, I had the exact same thing a couple of years ago, hurt like hell til I sorted it out.

  2. i've got tinnitus since 1994, not fun at all...

  3. I like this, awaiting your next update!

  4. Ever seen what the ear looks like inside? It is a bizarre organ to see on a chart.
